translated from Spanish: Called Deputy PRI to transparency and legality in the process of delivery of municipalities

photograph / Congress of the State of Michoacan Morelia, Michoacan.-through an official statement, it was reported that the Deputy Roberto Carlos López President of the directive Board of the State Congress, called on relevant authorities to conclude the process of delivery of local councils with promptness, transparency and accountability.
He added that you for the municipal administrations, is based do delivery processes orderly and transparently, because doing so will be informing citizens about the use and destination of public resources.
In that sense, the legislator called on the municipal authorities, who will leave your order in the coming days, so ordering their reports of activities and assets, and perform the process of delivery according to stipulated by law, for avoid falling in the opacity field.
He added that information that inherit the outgoing administrations will be that at the time, submitted municipal governments local Congressional Fiscal 2018 year public account, so it stressed the importance of making a delivery clear and objective, that it will not lead to misinterpretations, doubts or empty that subsequently can be seen reflected in it.

He said that even though the outgoing authorities disclaim part of their direct with the Act of delivery responsibilities, this process does not absolve them of responsibilities arising from the exercise concludes.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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