translated from Spanish: Carmen Frei by designation of Luis Castillo: “It is painful to have partner someone who hides information”

the former Senator Carmen Frei referred to the appointment of Luis Castillo as an Undersecretary of health care networks, who l family accused of ordering the concealment of an autopsy of the former President, Eduardo Frei Montalva.” 2010, when he was appointed, we were out and my brother, Eduardo Frei, made a formal complaint and said that it was not prudent and rejecting the appointment of a person who had hidden information, that is why we have made this criticism and the requirement for that the Government take it into consideration”, said Tele13 Radio.Frei considers the designation as”an affront to our family. Without request of the family, my father made an autopsy in the part where he died, completely and all its organs were.” The former parliamentary argued that “Luis Castillo acknowledges that he served as director of the Hospital Clínico of UC and when asked, said that autopsy could not be released and ordered to keep it. That was the 2005 and is on the record. Why I say that it seems not possible and the DC has thus expressed it, consider that a physician is not a person you can trust because he concealed what he knew from the 2002 “. With respect to the statements of Castillo, who has insisted that there is no evidence, Carmen Frei said “more villainy I believe hiding a family and a country with samples of assassination of a President. A doctor who does not deliver that information is not a person that can work seriously. (…) Offend the family and the country, to people who have not done anything”.” Ethically does not seem to us correct a doctor who is in charge of the health of the country. It is painful to have partner someone who hides information”, he stressed. Also responded to those who accuse a political use. “Say that I think a thing. Non-political issues, they are issues of humanity,”he said.

Original source in Spanish


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