translated from Spanish: Donald Trump and the former Presidents of US regretted the death of Aretha Franklin

the President of USA, Donald Trump, and several of his predecessors in office today lamented the death of the singer Aretha Franklin, who died in Detroi t aged 76 and considered to be “one of the greatest national treasures” by Bill Clinton (1993-2001) Uribe and his wife, Hillary.Trump honored in Twitter Franklin, which he described as “a woman”: “she was a great woman, with a wonderful gift of” God, his voice. Will miss it! “.” For his part, Bill and Hillary Clinton stressed in a statement that the artist was an “elegant, graceful and totally committed to his art” person.” For more than 50 years, she removed our souls”, added Clinton, who recalled that the first school of music for the”Queen of soul”was the Church. President Barack Obama (2009-2017) said, for its part, in a statement, while Franklin has “gone to a place better” your gift of music “will always remain to inspire everyone”.” “In his voice, we could feel our history: our power and our pain, our darkness and our light, our quest for redemption and earned much respect”, they said Obama and his wife, Michelle.Franklin was one of the favorite artists of different Presidents who have passed through the Oval Office, arriving to sing in the investitures of three of them, Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) Clinton and Obama.En this sense, Clinton wanted to thank also in your note “kindness and support” for having Franklin acted in their two opening ceremonies as President.” It will always be the Queen of soul, and a great deal more than that to all who knew her”, said Clinton.Otro of the Presidents of the USA, George Bush (2001-2009) son, delivered to Franklin in 2005 the Medal of freedom, the highest decoration that can be granted to a civil in the U.S.. Born in 1942 in Memphis (Tennessee), the singer wore in music from the 50’s and has with hits such as “Respect” and “Spanish Harlem”, in addition to those who have won 18 Awards Grammy.En 1979 received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and in 1987 f EU the first woman who was admitted to the Hall of Fame of the “rock and roll”.

Original source in Spanish


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