translated from Spanish: Arrested with stolen cellular 53

2 city of MEXICO.-two subjects, one of them a minor, were arrested with 53 allegedly stolen phones, in the Colonia Morelos, delegation Cuauhtemoc.leer also: Video. They attacked within minutes passengers of public transportation agreement with reports of the Secretariat of public security (SSP), the arrest occurred after a 42-year-old man requested the support of police officers of the Morelos Sector, about 14:50 hours of yesterday, between the streets Jesus Carranza and Tenochtitlan.
Read also: kill woman after assault on autobusLa victim explained that, moments before, had been stripped of his cell by two young people who had been physically assaulted.

Police were after them and managed to stop two youths, 18 and 17 years old, and to revise them, found them 53 used cell, whose origin could not prove. Both detainees were referred to the Public Ministry of the Cuauhtémoc Territorial coordination 2, where their legal status will be defined in the following hours. In this note: assault robbery arrested cell city of Mexico

Original source in Spanish


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