translated from Spanish: Is it true that pasta fattening?

the carbohydrates are the nutrients that the body requires in greater quantity, provide us with nearly half of the energy for the fulfillment of daily tasks and physical work; In addition to other vital functions for the people.

They provide 4 kcal/g, which is less than half of what they provide fats, but it is important to remember that the amount that should drink has to be commensurate with the activities of each: isn’t the same energy that requires a child of 10 years that an athlete of high crudi to or a person who spends their day 8 hours in the office, 30 min by car and 2 hours on the couch, emphasizes Dr. Virginia Busnelli, medical specialist in nutrition and Director of the Centre for Endocrinology and nutrition.

When we consume them rises in blood sugar and automatically releases a hormone called “insulin” for trying to enter the sugar to the cells. All over that the cells do not need to use as energy according to the activities carried out, is deposited in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen.

If necessary, glycogen can be again reused as glucose. Some foods produce the release of sugar into the blood faster than others. It is better that this is released gradually, to give time to our cells to the capture and use it so that there are no excesses.

Picture ilustrativaPara those who need to lose weight the strategy most used is decreased dramatically from the contribution of carbohydrates and energy. When this happens we started to use what we have saved, then we start consuming the blood glucose, then glycogen liver and muscle, to finally use the fat mass.

Then, is the solution? Of course, that you go down much weight, at the expense of water, glycogen and muscle, when what should be is to prioritise the fat loss. In addition, this conduct is absolutely unsustainable in the long run and then the majority of people who leave the hydrates, sooner or later returns to consume them recovering lost weight and most of the time overcoming it.

Carbohydrates are divided into: simple and simple complejosLos, are broken down quickly by the body to be used as energy, are refined sugars that are digested quickly and have very little nutritional value, it is advisable to limit your consumption to small amounts (sugar table, white flour, honey, jam, sweets, pastry and industrial bakery, sugar-sweetened soft drinks, packaged cereals and also fruits and their juices, which are the most beneficial because they also contain fiber and water that make this sugar is absorbed slowly). Complexes, are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and may take longer to be digested, so do not increase sugar levels in the blood so quickly. Found in all vegetables, integral cereals, wheat bran, oats, legumes like lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas.
is key to know what fattening is not the pasta itself, but how it consumes them. For example: can be a delicious and healthy whole pasta dish, combined with tomatoes, capers, onion and cheese, low-fat, increasing the amount of fiber and thus absorption becomes slower and given power gradually to the body.

Source: Eikasia corporate communications

Original source in Spanish


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