translated from Spanish: You look fine to couples with few children in China

Beijing-China that for decades forced millions of couples to have only one child now looking opposite methods to encourage married couples to have two or more, and a proposal to fine to those who have none or only one stem has caused huge controversy in the country this week. Read more: find missing woman 3 years ago in BC the Chinese seek to fine the marriage having a son. Photo: illustrative/Pxhere read more: girl saves life of baby watching a video of YoutubeEl hypothetical plan was published Aug. 14 in an official journal of Jiangsu Province (East), is the work of two economists from the University of Nanjing (Liu Zhibiao and Zhang Ye) and has gener I designed a wave of criticism on social networks Chinese as Weibo or Wechat, comparable to Twitter in the West. The idea of Zhang and Liu includes on the one hand to abolish the current system that allows Chinese couples to have only two children (something that call for many forces in the country and that could happen this year or in 2019) but sparks controversy with the so-called ‘maternity Fund”to propo NE imposed on any person under the age of 40. This group should contribute a percentage of their salary regularly while they had no children or only one, although once they conceive the second they could withdraw the Fund (and if this does not happen ever, would receive the money at retirement). The plan has circulated widely in China, where Government and experts are looking for ways to increase the birth rate especially in cities to avoid dangerous ageing of the population and the reduction of the labor force that can maintain a system of pensions, and many have been charged against it. 
They reflect about the one-child policy. Photo: Pixabay not treat us as humans or as women, but as fertility resources, said the feminist writer Hou Hongbin. 
The reproduction should be a right of the citizen, not an obligation, said another commentator on social networks. 

Some reflect on the strong coercion that the Chinese State wants to exercise on the demographics, both now and in the days of the “one-child policy”. 
Does much with second pregnancy had to abort, now we have to pay for a second child who even tango, reported another commentator in the Weibo network. 

The proposal, which some interpret as a balloon probe launched by the authorities to analyse the social response, has also received criticism from official media like State television CCTV, which called it “irrational and lack of common sense” or the journal Global Times, linked to the Communist Party. 
A plan “only decrease the desire of people to have more children,” so said that daily researcher Yi Fuxian, of the American University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

The Communist regime is beginning to be alarmed by the fact that relaxation of family planning policies, allowing a second child to all marriages, is not taking the expected effect, in 2017, there were 630,000 births less than in 2016 the first year that the measure applied. The same people daily, rotating chief spokesman of the Communist Party, recently stressed that the promotion of births should become a State policy, a claim that also sparked criticism among Internet users in the most populous country of the world.  In this article: controversial China couples son fined encourage marriages

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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