translated from Spanish: Office outlet, leader of the SEMACM will not prevent delivery of payment to workers: Secretary of Administration

Morelia, Michoacan.-the Secretary of administration of the City Hall of Morelia, Horacio González Velasco, condemned the actions of the leader of the Trade Union of municipal employees, administrative and related (SEMACM), Jorge Molina Bazan, which only aim to make no payment of law benefits to the worker base.
 Through a statement the municipal official failed to, since in recent days of Morelia Chapter approved the agreement for equality and employment non-discrimination, of the SEMACM-Union conduct an illegal takeover of the Treasury Office and Management, in order to prevent the procedures to meet that point.
 “It is outrageous that in the year 2018 and a modern and progressive city like Morelia, there is a Union that opposes the equality of workers, who wants to grab profits at any cost even manipulating its members and society to affect,” he lamented. González Velasco.
 It recalled that the point in Council approved last week has the effect that all workers will have access to the same benefits regardless of the Trade Union to which they belong, which implies total freedom of Association and won widespread approval by labor organizations of the Town Hall.

 “This agreement tells you that you as a worker are owner of your performance and can belong to any trade union without losing them, therefore the Union leaders already not you can intimidate with threats of losing these benefits and that is what the leader of the SEMA is opposed CM without any argument”, said the Secretary.
 In that sense, Gonzalez Velasco called on Molina Bazan to set aside his search for work benefits for decades, so it invited him to respect the agreements reached in favour of the employees of the City Council and desist from these actions selfish against the working base if carried out a work by citizenship.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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