translated from Spanish: Provoste and Huenchumilla presented motion which regulates the lobby to “elected officials”

the Senators Yasna Provoste and Francisco Huenchumilla defined as an advance presentation of the motion amending the law N ° 20.730, which regulates the lobby and the efforts that represent special interests before the authorities and officials, in order to include in the said legislation to elected officials.
 In addition, parliamentarians clarified that this law had its origin in the year 2008 in a presidential message pointing that such legislation would be as essential lines define “what are the activities of management of interests, creating a record on which the” agents engaged in this activity must register”.
Similarly, lawmakers pointed out that legal body sought regulate strictly the lobby activity and other efforts that represent special interests, in order to strengthen the transparency and probity in governance.
In addition, the Senators recalled that legislation was amended by law N ° 21.073, which regulates the election of regional governors, which included regional governors as passive subjects of the law, being the only modification that has suffered from that It was published in March of the year 2014.
“In this way are taxable persons of lobby, in general, the authorities or individuals who according to cargo carrying, have the powers to take relevant decisions. In its articles 3 ° and 4 ° is a limited list of whom can be objects of lobby”, they said.
 In that vein, Huenchumilla and Provoste raised that there is a vacuum, since legal body are not numbered as passive subjects of lobby, authorities have been elected after a popular election process, who may also be subject efforts to obtain certain future decision.
 “This motion is formulated as a protection to the public faith, and also people of the future Congressman, Senator, regional Governor, regional councillor, Mayor or Councillor”, concluded.

Original source in Spanish

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