translated from Spanish: Trump compared his relationship with AMLO and Peña Nieto.

the President of the United States, Donald Trump, compared his relationship with the current President Enrique Peña Nieto, with respect to having with the President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, claiming that it will do better with the new Mexican Government.
“I like Mexico. I like their new leader. I think it could be great. A little different from us. I think that you are better with him than with the capitalist, he knows that Mexico needs to United States,”explained Trump during an event in Virginia, referring to the Mexican President.
The winner of the election has been proposed to the American President “initiate a new stage” in relations between both countries, and even equated it with the Republican politician in a letter that sent him last July.
Here see the video with the Declaration of Donald Trump (54 min) MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! – Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 22, 2018

“I encouraged the fact that both know to do what we say and we have faced adversity with success. We can place our voters and citizens at the Center and move to the establishment or predominantly regime”, wrote Lopez Obrador to Trump, who, from his stage as a candidate, proposed the construction of a wall on the border, and has accused Mexico of doing it necessary to curb illegal immigration, and even send criminals.
Trump has spoken in favour of priorities that Lopez Obrador spoke on trade, migration, development and security.
Meanwhile, with the President Pena Nieto, the relationship has had more disagreements by the construction of the wall on the border and immigration policy of the United States.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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