translated from Spanish: University and decentralization – the counter

role can meet the universities in the new scenario of decentralization? Motivated by this question last August 1 at the headquarters of the Cruch, formalized the creation of the network of Centre for regional studies of Chilean universities, REDCER Chile. This need arose during the 23 and may 24 at the Austral University of Chile in Valdivia city, where they met all the centers and institutes of regional and territorial studies running low to the eaves of Chilean universities. They form this network, 14 regional studies, belonging to 11 Chilean universities metropolitan and regional centres.
Do to form a network? To share and socialize the knowledge accumulated in the field of territorial development, but also to assume a more active role in the future process of implementation of the political and administrative decentralization reforms. In this sense, and assuming this spirit, our meetings have agreed that universities, through their schools, can contribute in the implementation of reforms to decentralization, at least in 3 ways.

1. socialization of experiences. it is well known, Chile does not possess accumulated experience, particularly in terms of transfer of power and election of regional authorities. Therefore, should rely on research and experiences from Latin America, to help elucidate those territorial conditions which could influence the process. Not all the processes of transfer of power cause results Virtuosi at the subnational level, also negative experiences that lead to fiscal imbalances, or empower regional warlords, have shown which then serves as a basis to the level Central to re-centralizar transferred political, fiscal or administrative power. For this reason it is vital to know experiences to avoid making similar mistakes, and to enhance the positive aspects of these processes.
2. a second role says relationship with provide studies that support the application of skills that the regional governments carry out. From the year 2022, one of the aspects that contemplates the transfer Act is that regional Governments may request transfer of powers to the President of the Republic. In accordance with this new legislation, these requests should be based on studies that justify their usefulness and realize own capabilities that regional Governments have to run them. Therefore, it is vital that universities are aware of capabilities installed on their territory so they can orient and make more relevant applications. This dimension of the process, is the most sensitive since it will be decisive in forward or reverse that regional governments experience.
3-training of capital human. On several occasions, is especially heard in the centralist elite, that regional level there is qualified human capital to execute the skills required to manage the decentralization. That bias, which does not have any basis (given that in Chile have never before experienced such profound processes of decentralization), also must counter with ongoing training on the part of the universities in subjects with territorial relevance. Training to enhance the participation of citizens in governance, land use planning, management of regional development, urbanization, decentralization, are issues which have to learn, but then put them into practice or replicated in each of the regions of the country.
These and other roles aims to promote the nascent network of centres of regional and territorial studies. We firmly believe that this is the time where the universities should be put at the disposal of the public and the public space, the knowledge accumulated in this matter, overcrowd it, democratize it, make it useful to all territorial actors, but above all aspire to that knowledge is relevant to the territory especially given the new regional context that lies ahead.

The content in this op-ed is d and sole responsibility of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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