translated from Spanish: Pablo Illanes explained his tribute to “Bad Angel” in dramatic scene of “Forgive us our sins”

the screenwriter Pablo Illanes, one of the creators of the television series night “Forgive us our sins” of Mega, said the homage done an emblematic scene of Chilean television. It is that yesterday was how Mechita (Soledad Cruz), said goodbye in tears before the dying Barbara (Jose Maria Bello), who suffered a hemorrhage after complications in her pregnancy. The scene was built practically as an imitation of the end of “Bad Angel”, production of 1986 where Nice (Carolina Arregui) dies after giving birth to a disconsolate Roberto (Bastian Bodenhöfer). Speaking to, the writer told why she decided to make the nod to the eighties history of Channel 13. “I am a fan of the Chilean TV serials as well as writing soap operas. I believe that it is our most important export product from the 81 year onwards,”he said.” It seems to me that you had to look back to tell the story of these two women love”he said. Illanes also pointed out that the realization of the scene “it was very difficult, because it is very difficult to write an ending that leaves happy all over the world, but in this case in particular was what we wanted to establish a love without surname, that love between two women can be just as” to this epitome of the heterosexual love that is Roberto’s with Nice in the outcome of ‘Bad Angel’ “.” The screenwriter said that when making a revision of the old scene “we started to engage with that end of the TV series that paralyzed the country in a very surprising way and revising texts also (…)” “we realized that it was a story that transcended the biggest obstacles, among them the death”. Although the time shown in the penultimate chapter practically for dead to Barbara, fans of production have started to speculate that end of the lesbian couple would be happier than you think, now that social networks through circulated an alleged photo fi ltered showing the surviving and with her daughter in her arms. However, others think it might be a dream of Mechita or recording of an alternate ending which will not go into the air. Everything will be known during the night, is issued when the last chapter of the successful night.

Original source in Spanish

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