translated from Spanish: Pichetto spoke after Cristina and replied: “Stay quiet that you will be able to be a candidate”

the debate by the raids to Cristina Kirchner that input had the definite result, took temperature toward the end, when she touched her talk to the former President, who fought back, fired the Government, employers, justice and some Peronists, among them Miguel Pichetto. 

Immediately after CFK, Rio Negro Senator took the floor, asked the Senator to stay and began his speech, nearly all dedicated to the former President.


” If three weeks ago she had allowed the measure, aliviaado would have us pressure on the Senate,”began Pichetto with a position that already had announced through the media. 

In less than thirty minutes, the head of the Argentina Federal block reiterated its position of not obtain a Senator until you have firm conviction and criticized journalists who speak of ‘protection’ through the fueros. 

The senators who voted in favor: among them is Cristina Kirchner “must tell the journalism that you do not lie more. When they say that the laws protect. It is not true that! The judicial process can move forward”, he said, at the same time that recalled the case of the former President Carlos Menem. 

Senate witnessed the first sketches of the Peronist in the 2019 face internal, since Fernández de Kirchner argued that some members of his party for “believe that I am the obstacle to get to I don’t know where, if to my left me a ray today” There are some who do not reach anywhere with the popular vote”. 


Pichetto replied that he will be candidate “because it applies the principle of innocence. Then stay quiet that you will be able to be candidate in 2019 “. 

#SenadorMiguel angel Pichetto (Justicialist Party):-“If three weeks ago she had allowed the measure, he had mellowed us tension on the Senate of the nation”
-“think that pre-trial detention is an early penalty. The rule is freedom” – (@filonewsOK) August 22, 2018El closure of discourse, the Rio Negro dedicated to criticizing CFK by his criticisms of the role of”peronism dialogist”as an opponent:”no one has the pattern what it is to be opposition. There are different views. Regards the preopinante Senator and I also think that it has to respect our”said after the sayings of former President”If the any rise the manito for labour reform, pension reform, you need the power of shift, not them passes nothing”.

Internal Peronist Senate elect s2019

Original source in Spanish


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