translated from Spanish: Strategic Science: who defines the future of Chile?

in the context of the crisis by the fringe benefits that delivery CONICYT scholarship, a meeting was held at the University of Santiago de Chile and n which the vice-rectors and directors of research of the Chilean universities and President of CONICYT Mario Hamuy participated to analyze the scope of the national policy for Advanced Human Capital. In addition to the issue of the stagnation of resources, insufficient coordination among the main actors of the ecosystem, the permanent absence of looking long-term in research, development and innovation was highlighted.
The future of science is based on studies of post degrees of young professionals, most of them financed his studies through scholarships and complementary benefits. Presented policy gives CONICYT faculty to prioritize/disciplines or areas of study or population of interest. According to the report of the Council of CONICYT 2015-2018 is “an effective start to grant scholarships tool Chile a more strategic sense, depending on the needs of the country”. In October of 2017 the Board aprobó prioritize 20% of the resources allocated to scholarships Chile Magister, by means of a separate competition in areas of priority concern. Who defines the areas and under what parameters? Will the national strategy for science, technology and innovation for development proposed by the new Ministry of the area talk with strategies already established by the different actors?

In the study “science, technology, and innovation in Chile: a budget analysis” SEGPRES delivers interesting data on the subject. In the past 10 years, programs related to science, technology and innovation from the State have been raised predominantly with a neutral approach – without sectoral or thematic focus at the time of his call for allocation – representing in on average 70% of the total public budget destined to CTI. In particular, the budget of the year 2017 included $432.989 million for programs with neutral approach, which represents 67% with respect to the total.
The disregard for the allocation of resources, or the decision to prioritize exclusively in the hands of the State bureaucracy. The new institutions, the Ministry of science, technology, knowledge and innovation, must supplement this deficiency and it must operate as articulator and coordinator of the national system of science.
In the week of the 64th anniversary of the CRUCH is time to make a call to the authorities so that they recognize the role that meet the universities. First, in the generation of knowledge, its transfer and its application and appropriation by the society as a whole and secondly, as a result of the foregoing, its capacity to contribute in the long term policy with regard to human capital and development scientist.
Despite the broad and growing consensus of the importance of science in the future development of the country, is not replicated this consensus in which and how. We need, therefore, work collaboratively to establish lines that allow us to have a real national strategy for the sake of the future of Chile.

Poured content e This op-ed is the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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