translated from Spanish: Cancer: from doom to hope

illnesses and death occupy an important place in humanity. Healthy birth and death without pain waiting for resurrection or stay in the memory of our nearby are permanent aspirations in the common life of the people. We are concerned about the transitions from one stage to another, especially those equipped with drama and distortion.
Medicine as compensatory function of these risks makes it possible and sometimes promises more than it can be excessive bids can make it fall into disrepute. We confuse us much with the expectations aroused by illusions that go far beyond reasonable and us is great frustrations. It is not easy to adapt the mind and spiritual tranquility to the inexorable life cycle but in evolution.
Legitimate interest, most groups, struggling to get and make the best to deal with damage from the disease. In many pathologies of modern age patients, family members or supporters have been organized to put some of them on the agenda of the social priority competing solutions and resources. HIV/AIDS was emblematic by the end of the last century as before they were tuberculosis, malnutrition and mortality of mothers and children. All generated great social mobilizations, generated laws and assigned monetary resources and social intelligence which got its goals that pride.

Cancer, conceived as before a fatality has been taking is the scene slowly, many people don’t want to talk about unmentionable disease, but despite everything the awareness moves and the epidemiological and social indicators put it in a prominent place. Despite threats of infections reemerging or new, like cholera, meningitis and the dreaded flu who terrorize communities.
Many people is reconverted to militancy in favor of prevention and prompt and effective treatment of various cancers. Born social initiatives, patients take the voice, medical specialists call for more resources to implement it fairly and effectively to all. Health reform of 2002 which created the plan guarantees boom, was a streak of Court who picked up an aspiration but also generated risk.
It is not an easy process and it is necessary to balance the speech between fate and hope because thus we can adapt ourselves better and answer the challenges. Much information and debate is necessary and should provoke him and feed him. Share information and push the cause in communities, Exchange information with expert from other latitudes, talk and adopt common good tasks. Promote legislation and raise resources. Jointly planning cancer control strategies because we have so much to do.
In that we are with the National Cancer Forum and hope to have impact.

The content poured into this op-ed is the sole responsibility of its author, and does not reflect required ariamente the editorial line nor the counter position.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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