translated from Spanish: Students of the Universidad Iberoamericana reported that student was wounded with pellets by the police

students at the Universidad Iberoamericana, who took the House of study by the severe crisis that is close to your c closes, reported that one of her companions received at least five pellets by Carabineros.La accusation arose in the middle of the demonstrations carried out in the premises, which is located in the sector of Father Miguel de Olivares with eighteen. According to the members of the University, special forces troops used that kind of projectiles to control the situation. “The President of the student Federation, peace Gajardo, told radio Cooperativa that the affected young, studying fourth year of obstetrics was with various wounds, one of them near an eye.” As we did these demonstrations, police and special forces used excessive force by firing more than five or six Buckshot that we count, because those pellets came you to a colleague who is very bad wound”, said the leader, who added that one of the projectiles “broke you shoulder, one on each arm, chest and also one in la ceja, who was a centimeter that got you in the eye”. In social networks, Senator Juan Ignacio Latorre (RD) and Mrs Camilla Vallejo (PC) asked explanations both the institution and the Ministry of the Interior, accusing “repression” and an act disproportionately to the protest. Since the police uniform still have not delivered a version of the facts.

Original source in Spanish


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