translated from Spanish: Give 15 years imprisonment to former Mayor linked to the Knights Templar

city of Mexico-a judge of the State of Mexico sentenced to 15 years in prison and the payment of 375 days fine Jesús Cruz Valencia, former Mayor of Aguililla, Michoacan, to have accredited their links with the criminal organization of the Knights Templar. Read also: millionaire robbery: they pillaged jewelry and are more 60 watches lujoGuillermina Matías Garduño, fourth district judge in Toluca’s Federal Penal processes, found guilty the former municipal President for the crime of racketeering, reported the Attorney General of the Republic. 

Jesús Cruz Valencia, former Mayor of Aguililla, Michoacán. File/reform read also: found body lifeless behind the backs of the State Congress ‘Jesus ‘ c ‘ was arrested in may 2014 by elements of the Federal Police, to complete an arrest warrant against her for being probably associated with a criminal organization dedicated to committing crimes against health, mainly in the town of Aguililla, Michoacán”, said the Agency. The now sentenced became municipal President of Hawk on January 1, 2012, having been candidate of an Alliance of the PRI, PAN, PVEM and party new Alliance. All parties with registry joined against the PRD and the Labor Party. 

The Knights Templar were blacklisted by the U.S. Government during the term of Obama. Photo Archive/EFE in July 2013, Cruz Valencia departed temporarily Edil cargo referring alleged threats of the self-defence groups. On December 13, 2014, the day they tried to retrieve the post, the PGR detained him based on an arrest warrant issued by organized crime in the criminal case that now has been found fully responsible for the crime. Since his capture, cross Valencia is prisoner in the Federal criminal “El Rincón”, in Tepic, Nayarit. 

Early on Friday, February 27, 2015 was captured in Morelia, Michoacán. Photo Archive/EFE Aguililla, municipality where he was born Ruben or Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes “El Mencho”, the Cartel’s Jalisco new generation leader, had been governed from 2008 to 2011 by the PRD Adalberto fruitfully compared Rodriguez, who then became in promoter of the self-defence groups. Some journalistic versions noted that the now sentenced is the brother of Fernando Cruz Mendoza, alias “El Tena”, included in the list of seven top leaders of the Knights Templar, organization led by Servando Gómez “La Tuta”. In this note: Michoacán Precessing linked former Mayor former Mayor Narcotraficante Michoacan Templars

Original source in Spanish


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