translated from Spanish: Andrés Chadwick announced that they request quarterly report of expenses Carabineros and PDI

“we are in the final revisions of these projects to be submitted to the President and to be admitted to Congress in the last days of be” ptiembre”, said the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick, referring to the four bills which seeks to present in Congress on security. The initiatives include amendments to the system of intelligence, arms control, the reform of the police and the change to the municipalities law. As he said to El Mercurio, the Government of Michelle Bachelet not given “priority” to these issues, specifically to public safety. Therefore, now would seek to finalize the process, alluding to any that “require more time, telling relationship with the specialization of the police, we want to do it with a gradual perspective and a pilot plan”, said. On the other hand, asked about oversight and transparency of the police, the Minister announced that they require a quarterly accounting report of expenditures of the Carabineros and the investigations police “a complete picture of the use and the administration of its” resources, as well as a permanent Audit Committee, and an annual external audit,”added.

Original source in Spanish


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