translated from Spanish: Returns 10 pluris TEPJF brunette in Edomex

State of Mexico-the room Superior of the Tribunal Electoral of the power Judicial of the Federation confirmed the Division of county councils by proportional representation by the Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico (IEEM) and returned with the 10 councils previously removed to Morena.tambien can read: reset oootra after Congress of the morning EstadoEsta, in public session, the TEPJF met 15 resources for reconsideration, so that the resolution be considered that he had solved room Regional Toluca, from the same court, whereupon returned it only 4 of the 10 territorial multimember brunette.
You can also read: you will have to pay thousands of pesos PRI spot against Nestora SalgadoCon this resolution, confirmed the approach of proportional representation made by the General Council of the IEEM, pointing that the Councils should be distributed by political party and not by the coalition. According to the project of Judge José Luis Vargas Valdes, resolution of the Regional Chamber was not adjusted to the electoral criteria, which set out to return to the initial allocation of the IEEM, and set aside other jurisdictional electoral bodies, with What brunette recovered the 10 councils.” The proposal concludes that the Toluca room carried out a project of assignment that was not adjusted as provided in law”, said the Secretary read the project.

Photo: File reform.

“That also limited unreasonably the participation of Morena, assigning him only the seats necessary to overcome the limit of under-representation, without taking into account that their percentage vote could reach one larger number of seats”. The project was approved by the judges of the Court and was ordered to notify the IEEM resolution to generate the respective agreement in which the execution of the sentence has been completed. In total, Morena will feature 31 local deputies, 13 will be the party of the labour and Social gathering; While the PRI will have 11; BREAD, 7; PRD, 3 and the PVEM, 2.

This note includes information from: reform in this note: public function TEPJF Morena Edomex

Original source in Spanish


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