Guamúchil, Sinaloa-it seems that yesterday, met 25 years of that title but today 25 years ago that the Tabasco Olmecs conquered what so far is his only title in the League Mexicana.La date certainly is a fact worth remembering pair baseball players, directors and fans of the Olmecs, and among them it is worth mentioning the players alvaradenses Herminio Sais and Luis Alberto such Valdez, part of that historical template directed by manager Juan Navarrete.Hoy precisely will be held in Villahermosa, Tabasco an event to commemorate the anniversary of part of the State Government and policy of the organization.

Luis Alberto Valdez was part of the team champion / photo: courtesy in the event champion is expected the presence of old glories that were part of that team. Herminio Sais guamuchilense was happy to have received invitation to the wedding feast of silver of championship retrieved on September 1, 1993. Alvaradense baseball player recalled that triumph achieved in the final series to Laredo in five dramatic games. “At the end we divide in Laredo, and then won three consecutive in Tabasco, to Crown us, it was crazy”. Among other players of the team champion expected today attend the feast highlight Cecilio Ruiz, Juan Romero, Enrique Herrera, Salvador Colorado, Julián Wong, Silvano Contreras, Emigdio López, Ulises Rodríguez, Eliseo Garzón, Raúl Cueto and Justino dolphin. In that joint champion is also reminiscent of baseball players as Lorenzo Retes, Héctor Marrujo, Fernando Elizondo, Nemesio Torres, Ricardo Osuna, Edgardo Saldaña, Ramón Serna, Édgar Valdez, Horacio Valenzuela and foreigners Rusty Tellman and Todd Brown.
In this note: sports baseball memory title Herminio Sais Luis Alberto such Valdez

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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