translated from Spanish: 396 days minimum wage to buy the shoes wearing daughter of Peña Nieto

home finance 396 days minimum wage Mexico to buy shoes that daughter of Peña Nieto city of Mexico-usa in the last days the daughter of p resident Enrique Peña Nieto has generated mixed reactions first by giving to understand the types of tattoos that was carried out with the famous tattoo artist of the stars of Hollywood Jon Boy, but also for the cost of his shoes, which was released by the half reform.

Even the tattoos are paid to these parasites? the famous Jon Boy comes #México and Los Pinos, to tattoo to Paulina and Sofia, daughter and stepdaughter of Peña Nieto. Each tattoo voucher approximately 6 thousand pesos the hour by tattoo – Compa zapata 3.0 (@CompaZapataMx) August 31, 2018 is a leather Gucci Black Princetown design inlaid with mother of Pearl, whose price is $1,750, about 35 thousand pesos, a cost that only few in Mexico can be paid, because for a low average worker the minimum payment would have to allocate 396 days to get them.
The general minimum wage in Mexico is 88. 36, which represents 2 thousand 686 pesos with 14 cents a month, i.e. a total of 32 thousand 232 pesos for the year as compared with the 35 thousand of shoes used by the daughter of the President Mexican would not reach a year’s work.

Original source in Spanish


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