translated from Spanish: Despite the withdrawal, sayings Santelices become more toxic air in Quintero and Puchuncaví

passes the 16 hours, the residents of Quintero came to manife gorišnica against the decision to lift the warning yellow for the commune and Puchuncavi, which took place just after the controversial statements of the Minister of health, Emilio Santelices, who said that the poisoning might have been caused by “smells offensive”, lowering her profile to what is happening in the area.
While they accepted the subsequent apologies given Santelices through his Twitter account, Quintero’s neighbors say that the damage is already done: “his words seem to be a huge irresponsibility, as that lowering the alert yellow, as is us” It had said that this would happen only when there is certainty that there were no pollutants”, he told the newspaper La third Sebastian Santos, the spokesman of the Cabildo opened Quintero-Puchuncaví which brings together 12 groups of the area.
With regard to lowering the alert yellow, Santos said that “they keep coming to clinics with symptoms of poisoning people, so there is no guarantee to get students back to classes”.
“They have to establish safeguards, because what they have done so far does not give us security. They have been only political and business strategies which constitute an outrage against our rights. Efforts, from the Mayor up, have been negligent, not to say very poor,”says Santos.
“They are taking the people for ignorant and that is totally unfair. Several authorities have been, but all say the same thing. We have located the Mayor so take responsibility and get closer to the citizens, but that has not happened,”he said.
That same “irresponsible attitude” Government in Quintero, became members of Parliament for the Christian Democrats to question Piñera and company: “We sincerely worried the irresponsible attitude of the Government, first comes to blaming one company of the State, a public company such as Enap, without further information, a Minister to order the closure,”said the President of the DC, Fuad Chahín, speaking to Emol.
“When history is already clear enough that it is very likely that the company that is responsible for this is Oxiquim, a private company, where there is a clear conflict of interest with the Minister, with the President of the Republic himself, then get the” Minister of health to minimize this”argued.
“It is no longer the great environmental crisis (…) seems that to Minister happens to be one it thing almost psychological, psychosomatic,”he said, stressing that”we had here workers who were poisoned”.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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