translated from Spanish: The daughter of Steve Jobs confesses that her father forced her to see her sex scenes with her stepmother

United States-Lisa Brennan-Jobs, the eldest daughter of the co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, continues to share memories about his famous father in a new book. The 40-year-old journalist has confessed that her father forced her to be present during the intimate scenes between him and her stepmother when he was 9 years old, reports The New York Times.
According to Lisa, Jobs kissed and stroked to your new spouse in the chest, and at the same time forbade his daughter who came out of the room. As a result, the girl was forced to stay in place and look the other way.
“Stay here, we have a family time, it is important that you try to be part of this family”, recalls the words of his father Brennan-Jobs.
In addition, the daughter of Silicon Valley genius has counted that, on his deathbed, Steve Jobs told him smelling toilet. Lisa has also stated that his father never gave him extra money, but only now understood that it was teach him that money could ruin it.
However, according to Lisa, his father never showed sexual attention towards it. Meanwhile, the mother of the journalist, Chrisann Brennan, told that Jobs mocked repeatedly his daughter relationships and joked about sexual issues.
Lisa Brennan-Jobs was born when his parents were 23 years old. For years, Jobs denied paternity, and up to 7 years Chrisann raised her daughter as a single mother living on social services and odd jobs. In his inheritance, Jobs left her daughter several million dollars, money that Lisa has used to help keep his mother.
Source: RT

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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