translated from Spanish: Book launch “was (in) avoidable hit?” Museum of memory and human rights

launch book “was (in) avoidable hit?”
In the Auditorium of the Museum of memory and human rights, Matucana 501. Quinta Normal subway.
Thursday, September 06 | 19:00 hours.
free entrance “was (in) avoidable hit?” Museum, memory and context is the name of the book Mauro Basaure edited together to Francisco Estévez and that will be released this Thursday September 06 at 19:00 hours in the Museum of memory and human rights.
The book contains two closely related parties. The first one comes from a seminar, organized by the publishers in April 2017, entitled with the question “was (in) avoidable hit?”. The second part concerns the meaning and current meaning of the Museum of memory and human rights, as well as the controversy over whether it should or not to contextualize its permanent exhibition, covering the period of the Popular Unity (UP), and how should that be contextualization.
The presentation will feature the participation of Andrés Pascal Allende, former Secretary-General of the MIR; Mariano Ruiz-Esquide, former Senator DC; Sergio Vitar, former Minister of Presidente Allende; and Ricardo Núñez, former President of the Socialist Party. The assistance of these five political figures will be of great relevance in the launch, as were those who participated in the seminar in 2017 at the Museum, and now took time to revise its previous exhibitions in the face of this publication.
For Mauro Basaure, “the release of the book will be an instance of reflection on the proposal of the text, which acquires great relevance by the sayings of various political figures on the objective of the Museum of memory and human rights”.
A debate on what should be understood by “context”, opens as well which leads to the subject of no less than whether or not is justified the coup. But really the breakdown of democratic continuity was inevitable in September 1973?
The book launch will take place this Thursday, September 06 at 19:00 hours in the Hall of the center of documentation of the Museum of memory and human rights.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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