translated from Spanish: 10 years of its original publication, reissued a revised illustrated Guillo Pinochet

it is No coincidence that the month of September has been the elegant gone to the reissue of the Eastern classic of the Chilean graphic narrative, Pinochet pictured of Guillo, which now comes in a version revised and published by seal Reservoir Books.
In little more than 200 pages, Guillo review, with its well-known graphic style and humor, some of the milestones that mark the life of this controversial character of national history, just as September 11 marks the 45 anniversary of the overthrow of the Government of the President Salvador Allende led by Pinochet.
Guillo, one of the most influential national artists of recent decades, is inspired by the new clothes of the Emperor of the Hans Christian Andersen story and delineates an Augusto Pinochet in various historical vicissitudes: its ancestry to the Commander in Chief, the military coup, the 17-year dictatorship, prosecution in London and subsequent arrival to Chile in a wheelchair. Through this review of the milestones in the life of Pinochet, we can also revisit events that marked the history of an era in our country.
This new edition of Pinochet illustrated published by seal Reservoir Books, is now available in bookstores.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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