translated from Spanish: The deadliest spider of all, among insects stolen from Museum

one of the most deadly spiders on the planet was among the insects that they were taken from a Museum in Philadelphia, according to researchers and the media. The necrotic venom of a spider of sand six eyes, among the 7,000 creepy bugs taken from the Philadelphia Insectarium & Butterfly Pavilion last week, makes living tissues die and blood vessels to explode.

Photo: AFP “the reason why it is so deadly is because once it enters the body of a prey object, it immediately begins to kill cells,” wrote the medical student of the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse Jordan Pendergast on a research website to lojado at the University.
Once the [toxina] of the poison enters the bloodstream of the victim, the effects begin to be lethal. Begins to occur a hemorrhage, which is profuse bleeding from broken blood cells.

 Arthropod, which is located in the deserts of southern Africa, the brown recluse, has the same notorious reputation that other poisonous as the black widow and cousin spiders simply because in rare nature once it crosses with human. There are no documented cases of a bite and only two suspects. In those cases, a victim lost an arm by necrosis and another died of massive hemorrhage, according to 

 The authorities believe that the robbery was an inside job, because also stole a manifesto listing displayed insects and three employees uniforms were “nailed” to a wall with knives. Errors are worth a reported $40,000. “I’m not sure that there has been a large theft of live insects,” he said to CNN John Cambridge, the owner of the Museum.   In this note: mugging spider Arena insects stolen Museum

Original source in Spanish


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