translated from Spanish: MOM Laurie Fernandez made his debut in the dancing and this was his return

one of the newcomers on the track of the dancing this year was Inés Stork, the mother of Laura Fernandez, who this time serves as juror in the competition.

“I am shaking as I never trembled here. I have a few nerves from the morning and I was wondering why I’m nervous if the debut was on Tuesday… of course, was for MOM. I want to say that it cost me much OK to do it, I had many fears. And Marce, think that I never saw her so happy my mom. And that gave me the foot to accept it and see what is going to do,”said the former Fede Bal.

Photo: Instagram @holasoylauritaPor turn, the own Ines said: “not everyone is given this opportunity. To me they gave me and I took it. He came from a sedentary lifestyle. What happens is that when you come from dealing with the life of your children, with beautiful results, when they are large feel, and now what do I do? It costs. And thus have an activity is good,”while his daughter had their eyes with tears.

The score for his choreography of disk was as follows: a 4 Angel Brito, a Marcelo Polino 3 after an order from the BAR by a wrong trick and a promising secret ballot of Flor Peña.

Photo: Jorge LuengoLa Laurie back let it to the end who did not hesitate to express: “see her happy and be that are taking care of it.” I can’t believe you did tricks, which you raised in the air”, and without thinking I put the maximum score.

“I don’t care anything and I’m proud you’re here. The next show I will be strict, but this gala you merecés a 10 “.

Dancing 2018 MOM Laurie drive

Original source in Spanish


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