translated from Spanish: Diego Maradona arrived in Mexico: mural, Quartet and illusion in Dorados de Sinaloa

“happy for this new opportunity to work. Happy to return to the land where I was champion of the world, and which have very good memories. All comments, happy with good omens. I want to tell you that I approach this new stage with humility, and with the same desire to always”, Maradona wrote in your Instagram account, with some images of his passage through the country in 1986.

Within hours of that message, the Diego was shown for the first time in Mexico and shared a photo next to the Ambassador Ezequiel Sabor, waiting for his trip to the city of Sinaloa, where will be made by the team that plays in the second division and has the major objective of get to the first division in the short term.

The thrill of diego to wear the clothing of coach full of illusion to a team that waits for you with open arms. So much so that they shared a video on his Twitter account where you can see a man making a mural with the image of Maradona in 1986 and the message “Bienvenido Diego!”.

However, that was not all. The publication was not shared with any music, but that they used the theme of Rodrigo Bueno Quartet: “The hand of God”, and used a portion of the letter to illustrate the image. Meanwhile, the team is trained while waiting for the Argentine star, seeking to make history again in Mexico.

Diego maradona dorados of sinaloa mexico football coach

Original source in Spanish


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