translated from Spanish: Mauricio Valero: “Natalia Compagnon I betrayed, was unfair with me”

Mauricio Valero, a former member of Natalia Compagnon, spoke with magazine Saturday where honest about its stance towards the daughter-in-law of the former President Michelle Bacehelt. He said that the relationship between the two always was good until it came to public light questioned businessmen made in Machali. After agreeing to a fast-track procedure, the businessman was sentenced for tax with 541 days in prison and pay a fine of $60 million. At the end of the process, Valero said that everything was a political case and was used to show that he “is not a crook”. The former partner of the spouse of Sebastián Dávalos, said that when the case appeared in Qué Pasa magazine he was confident Compagnon. However, the relationship broke the year 2015 when she recommended that each had their own lawyer.” There it became clear to me that it would seek to impeach me. Until that day he was confident she, but she betrayed me, was unfair to me,”he said. According to Valero, Compagnon said initially that everything was “planned” giving to understand that they were concerned about what happened. “She adopted a position very interventionism of La Moneda, she talked a lot of ‘we’re doing damage control'”. It was why he – until it would be given to meet the case – spoke several times with Ana Lya Uriarte, who at that time was Chief of staff of former President Bachelet.” Natalia told me to speak with her. We had several conversations over the phone about what had to be done. She told me that we pay him what we asked for (to Sergio Bustos, who was extorting them). I never wanted to, because I advised me with several lawyers, who told me that a person who is extorting you once, you extorting forever”. Valero said that since the case came to light, he said that they had to deal with it together because “there was nothing to hide, there was a crime”. Meanwhile, the daughter-in-law of Bachelet “was completely pauteada, had no decision making capacity”.” This female partner that I saw, aggressive, decisive, was transformed, did not exist. It was part of a joystick,”he said.

Original source in Spanish


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