translated from Spanish: The volcano of fire presents “moderate lahars”

Guatemala down.-the National Coordinator for disaster reduction of Guatemala today warned of “moderate lahars” down three gullies of the volcano of fire, due to this rain in the volcanic zone. The fall of the sludge, with branches and trunks of trees swept away by mud and boiling water, provoked civil protection authorities closed until next Monday at 06:00 local time (12:00 GMT) National Highway 14, which passes through the foothills of the volcano.

The spokesman for the Coordinating Committee for the disaster reduction David de Leon, exposed the lahars were recorded at noon of Sunday in Las Lajas, El Jute and Honda, canyons near the municipalities of Alotenango, in the central Department of Sacatepéquez , and Escuintla, in the South of the country. 

Also read AP Photo: seven wounded by attack with a knife and iron bar schedules for the use of this road are from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and taking into account this consideration, from 01:30 local time (19:30 GMT) has closed the passage in matters preventive canyons, he explained, are tributaries to different rivers like the Achiguate and Guacalate, “by what we are going to maintain the monitoring of material that has come to these sites, which could cause overflows”. 

AP Photo volcano of fire, 3.763 meters high, is located between the departments of Escuintla, Chimaltenango and Sacatepequez and June 3 had one of the largest eruptions ever leaving 169 dead, 256 missing and nearly 2 million Guatemala altecos affected, some of whom have lost everything. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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