translated from Spanish: “Not going like” sang in favor of legal abortion

the rioplatense band returned to Buenos Aires to present in the Stadium Arena of Tortuguitas before more than 10 thousand people and referred to the rejection of the law of voluntary interruption of the pregnant zo.

The special moment of the show was filled with the “Illegal” song, which for some time was not part of the tracklist. At that moment the screen was dyed green and thousands of scarves in favor of abortion rose in public accompanying the message of the letter that sings “illegal, illegal, you have nothing, you die you and chau…”.

The Argentine singer, Emiliano Brancciari, introducing the song said “we play a song that we played not a million years ago.” We didn’t want to touch it. We hope not to do it again. We attach shame to the rest of the world. We continue with our double standards and our hypocrisy”.

Passes 2130 sounded the first chords of “Stronger Pegame” for opening night that would culminate at 24 hours. with the classic close in charge of “Not was true”.

“Not going like” sang in favour of the abortoOtro peak of excitement vibrated with the presence of Nonpalicede Nestor Ramljak invited to sing “La Flor” (theme from Nonpa) and “Verte Reir”, while hundreds of cell phones gave light to the scene.

Note that currently, No Te Va Gustar is about to publish her biography written by Argentine journalist Mateo Crespo. Meanwhile, they are already working on what will be in 2019 the celebration for his 25 years of career, which promised a tour in acoustic format. November 22 will play at the estadio Obras and announced a new date for the 24.

“Not going like” he sang in favour of abortion

Original source in Spanish


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