translated from Spanish: Symptoms and prevention of bacteria, sensitive mouth, emotional moment of Wanda, Nati Jota without modesty and much more…

1. Everything you must know about the bacteria that it sparked an alert Epidemiologicostreptococcus pyogenes | Source: PHILCuatro boys died in recent days because of an infection generated by Streptococcus Pyogenes. Continuing reading here…

2 Wanchope Abila is injured and will be several weeks out of the canchasWanchope Abila is injured and will be low for several weeks | Photo: Front TwitterEl unable to complete with the Xeneize training and an important string of parties will be lost. Continuing reading here…

3 Wanda Nara was thrilled his followers with a story that happened years Atrasla moving story of Wanda Nara and one of his sons | Photo: Instagram @wanda_icardiLa model touched the heart of everyone by revealing one of its most significant moments as a mother. Get to know all the details. Continuing reading here…

4. what was happening in Argentina the fateful September 11 of 2001Argentina also paralysed by the attack 11-SDe Rua terrorist spoke of “zero-deficit” and re-negotiating an agreement with the IMF. Menem was in prison and Racing outlined as champion. The dollar was worth $1. Continuing reading here…

5. Jota Nati shamelessly: ‘Think that at a time when it was blocking me stretch marks and now love the’ Nati Jota | Photo: Same InstagramElla reflected on his body showing a very summer photo. Continuing reading here…

6. a caricature of Serena Williams was accused of “offensive, racist and sexist” Serena Williams in the final of US Opendespues of the final controversy of the US Open, an Australian newspaper published a picture that aroused criticism around the world. Continuing reading here…

7 soledad Villamil, of “The secret in their eyes” to “Night of 12 years”: a caring in times of dictaduraSoledad Villamil actress returns to the cinema with “The night of 12 years” | Photo: Filo NewsDesde his starring role in the film winning the Oscar for his participation in the film nominated for the Venice Film Festival, the artist highlights the importance of transmitting stories to viewers. Continuing reading here…

Original source in Spanish


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