translated from Spanish: UPN in Morelia with 50 thousand pesos monthly budget and are owed more than 2 months

Morelia, Michoacan.-only 500 million pesos per year receives the National Pedagogical University of budget unit 161, so, 45 per cent of resources q EU handles are own resources, said its director, Fidel Negrete Estrada.
At press conference, where he announced the completion of II Congress international trend of research and educational intervention in the 21st century, he pointed out that with events like this, they manage to obtain some resources, but it is just for your needs.
He explained that the institution receives budget only 50 thousand pesos a month and is currently owed two and a half months on the grounds that have requested advanced checks, which is a criterion that is illogical, he said.
“For 15 days we request a meeting with Ministry of finance to analyze that the budget is correct and detail those changes that are established with the educational reform,” he said.
Thus also pointed out that last year had a decline of 200 students, so it seeks to attract higher tuition, since service is currently given a thousand 90 students, with a workforce of 57 teachers and
18 workers.
On the II Congress international trend of research and educational intervention in the 21st century, explained that it will be developed from 20 to 22 September in the Auditorium Samuel Ramos, where in addition to conferences with national and international researchers are They carried out 26 workshops.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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