translated from Spanish: UMSNH is not obliged to accept the readmission of expelled: Medardo Serna

Morelia, Michoacan.- as one request either called the rector of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Medardo Serna González, to the letter issued by the Party of Morena, where its leader, Patoja Robert requires the rector accept the readmission of expelled nine students, every time that the State leader ensures that the request was personally made him by the President-elect of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
The authority of the House of Hidalgo mentioned that, as that document, the Universidad Michoacana receives hundreds of requests, taking care that it is the right of all Mexicans to request, so said that the Charter made by the moving party of National regeneration, do not have any special treatment and will be reviewed as any other application.
He said that no obligation on the part of the UMSNH solve positively the request of Roberto Pantoja, there is despite the closeness that have lately had the University authorities with brunette party.
“We are reviewing the case, it is not the obligation of the University or not depends on me to make a solution.”
In this sense, denied that the autonomy of the maximum House of studies in Michoacán, is violating as a determinant of Roberto Pantoja for the support that his party has promised to the University.
It should be recalled that nine teens who were expelled and who now demand their reinstatement, led 60-day stop that put at risk the half full of thousands of students.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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