translated from Spanish: The IMF mission is in Buenos Aires.

a new delegation of representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is located in the Argentina. The reason? Continuing negotiations with the economic team headed by Nicolás Dujovne seeking to advance funds based on the agreement between parties.
What has changed since the first agreement?
On June 20 the Argentina and the IMF signed a Stand-By arrangement of three years for $ 50,000 million. The disbursement of funds was agreed in three parts, corresponding to the years 2018, 2019 and 2020.
The truth is that after the “exchange-rate turbulence” that precipitated the rise of the dollar, the Government of Mauricio Macri was raised more flexibility that will allow an advancement of the agreed amounts.
This responds to the search to generate confidence in the market. The advancement of funds would allow the Argentina to show the world its ability to pay to investors, generating the necessary tranquility to prevent a new run as the occurred two weeks ago.


The Director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, spoke out Tuesday about renegotiations with the Argentina: “If the President includes serious reforms in his plan, then we’ll see, we will assess the impact on the macroeconomic situation of the” “Argentina, we will determine the sustainability of the debt and will work with them” when and how much lends us the IMF?
To know what we should expect at the end of September, date in which the directory of the financial agency will decide on both variables.
Asked after his return from Washington, Minister Dujovne said “I cannot give times, we intend to be voted in the board of the Fund in the second half of September. There is understanding, but lack the formal agreement”. 

Original source in Spanish


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