translated from Spanish: We are going to instruct our Presidente with all the attitude and enthusiasm: Jorge Molina

highlighted, Morelia home we are going to instruct our Presidente with all the attitude and enthusiasm: Jorge Molina Morelia, Michoacan n-Jorge Molina Bazan, leader of the Union of municipal, administrative staff and Morelia Conexos “(SEMACM), said that they will be added to the tasks ordered the Mayor of the city, Raúl Morón Orozco, during the closing ceremony of a cleaning day” that made the workers.
Photography / capture Facebook “we will instruct our President with all the attitude and enthusiasm”. Something similar said the Union Leader’s former Mayor, Alfonso Martínez Alcázar, in the delivery of equipment for municipal employees in December 2015.
A month ago, Molina Bazan led administration Secretariat decision by dragging to the members to protest.
The leader has 27 years at the head of the Guild, same that keeps control of almost half of the city areas, including Treasury, parks and gardens, public lighting, patching and sweep in the historic centre.

#SEMACMembelleceMORELIA mission accomplished ?❤️ #orgullosamenteSEMACM #YOsoySEMACM #JuntosTransformandoMorelia Posted by SEMACM on Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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