translated from Spanish: He was hiding in the field of family Lanatta: arrested the head of the gang that raided a refrigerator of Dolores

a 63 year old offender who is accused of being one of the ringleaders of the gang that committed an assault on a fr last may Dolores igorifico, was detained in the last few hours after a procedure that members of the police of the province of Buenos Aires performed in a field of Balcarce where hiding, belonging to a cousin of the brothers Christian and Martín Lanatta.

The operation was carried out in the establishment called “The Bank” and the subject, known as “Stripped”, was arrested by detectives from the first city and the SubDDI Ayacucho DDI.

Allegedly, to carry out the RAID in this field, located about six kilometers from the urban area of the town, the troops had to move for a good stretch across the field and cross some Brooks.

They arrested the head of the gang that assaulted a DoloresInterviene refrigerator in the cause the UFI N ° 1 of the Judicial Department of Dolores. 

They arrested the head of the gang that raided a refrigerator of Dolores brothers Lanatta

Original source in Spanish


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