translated from Spanish: Usain Bolt defied the laws of gravity and confirmed that it is the fastest in the world

since its brilliant appearance in the Olympic Games of Beijing 2008, Usain Bolt became one of the world’s best athletic, and every year it was justifying their records and individual titles that led him to be the legend of athletics and sport around the world.

Taking advantage of its great speed, different strange and bizarre, challenges that have taken it as the protagonist, have been but no doubt this was the strangest, defying gravity.

In his presentation in France, Bolt got to Airbus ‘Zero-G’ to play a race against other two rivals, accustomed to living in those spaces. Dress of astronaut, the eight-time Olympic champion showed that he is the man faster on Earth and in space, winning by enough difference. Without a doubt, it enters between the strangest career.

Remember other challenges of BoltUsain Usain Bolt vs collective 59 in December 2013, the corridor was invited to a challenge with collective 59 in the Metrobus, in what was one of the races more strange athlete.

Usain Bolt vs Prince Harry de Inglaterra during the tour of the Member of the royalty for the Caribbean in 2012, was paid for a short career with Ray, in the eyes of some curious people who came to the track.

Usain Bolt vs James Corden and the staff of the Late Late Show A few months after their participation in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janiero 2016, the Jamaican arose in the study of CBS in England, in what was an event or individual in the world.

usain bolt career gravity collective plane

Original source in Spanish


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