translated from Spanish: Driver died on impact your unit against a vehicle of the PGJ in Morelia, Michoacán

Morelia home driver died on impact your unit against a vehicle of the PGJ in Morelia, Michoacan Morelia, Michoacan.-the driver of a particular vehicle died at the time that his unit collided against a van of the Ministerial police in Morelos Norte Avenue, at the height of the bridge overpass which is at the entrance to colonia Lomas de San Juan, adjacent to the colony La Soledad in this capital in agreement with the data obtained by this means.
The accident was the night of Monday in Rails that go in the direction towards Tarímbaro. The now deceased has not been identified, just realized that it is about 45 years old.

The car which was traveling late today is one of the Nissan brand, red. At the scene police sources detailed that the deceased turned a forbidden “U” and doing the maneuver invaded the high speed rail, moment in which was hit by a Toyota Hilux van, white, with registration MT1122S, property of the Attorney General of Justice (PGJ).
The site some paramedics were presented and confirmed the death of the citizen, in addition the Michoacan police of transit and mobility officers cordoned off the area.

Respective inquiries, the elements of the early care, dependent on the PGJ unit, as well as members of the General coordination of expert services were responsible. At the end the corpse was transferred to the morgue for necropsy of law enforcement. There were no victims in the official automotive.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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