translated from Spanish: Teen Dies in rollover truck on Highway Morelia-Teremendo of the Kings

Morelia home teen dies in rollover truck on Highway Morelia-Teremendo de Los Reyes Morelia, Michoacan.-a teenager lost existence when the truck which was traveling overturned on the Morelia-Teremendo of the Kings Road. Consecutively some paramedics came to the site of the incident and confirmed the above, said the police.
The deceased was identified by loved ones as Brayan Kevin F., of 17-year-old neighbor of the rancheria Grande Zakho, belonging to the municipality of Morelia. The accident happened overnight on Tuesday in the vicinity of the community of La Alberca, said sources, which added that the damaged drive is a Chevrolet, Blazer type, sand color, which ended badly damaged.
Some locals reported the accident to the emergency 911 number, then a few rescue workers attended the situation and arriving found the child dead, so they asked for the presence of the Michoacan police of transit and mobility with the aim of monitoring the area as relatives of the affected wanted to take it.
Then the staff of the Attorney General of Justice (PGJ) carried out the respective findings of facts. Finally some criminal justice experts boarded an ambulance for forensic use the deceased and transferred it to the morgue for necropsy of law practice.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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