translated from Spanish: Firefight against criminals leave a ministerial dead and two injured in Uruapan, Michoacán

home security firefight against criminals leave a ministerial dead and two injured in Uruapan, Michoacan Uruapan, Michoacan.-an official of l Ministerial Police died and at least two were injured in a shootout against criminals, which happened Friday on the road linking the towns of Cutzato and Chimilpa in this demarcation.
The afore-mentioned it emerged police contacts. It transpired that the representatives of the law did an operation in this region in coordination with the Mexican army troops.
However, at any given time they encountered the criminals, who began firing at the guardians of the order with guns of calibre.

As a result of the aggression an element of the General Prosecutor of Justice (PGJ) died and Government sources claimed that there were at least two others who were injured, who were hospitalized.
At the end of this note, there was no report of criminal suspects who have lost their lives in the clash nor of alleged criminals injured or arrested.
The event sparked a heavy deployment of soldiers, the PGJ and staff of the Secretariat of public security, which was made in the municipality and in the surrounding districts.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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