translated from Spanish: Ex girl reality will have a natural birth in the water: “It’s a miracle, I could not have children”

the former girl reality, Melina Figueroa, is nine months pregnant and is about to give birth in Mexico, where he lives with his partner “, Emiliano Castro.En social networks has shared this process of gestation, which said was surprising for both because the doctors had warned her that it would not be easy for her to get pregnant.” I couldn’t believe it, because supposedly could not have children to have PCOS. At last check the doctor had told me that when I married and wanted to have children, it would then have to undergo treatments and a lot of things. That is why we could not believe it. “” It was like a miracle, a true gift from God “, sentenced argentina said that motherhood generated in her feelings that never imagined and which today keep it connected with your baby.” If God wants and everything goes perfect it will be a natural childbirth and in the water, the idea is to be without epidural and soothing, in order to be 100% aware of my movements”, he told Figueroa.ademas, want to wait at least one hour to cut the umbilical cord because they want to take advantage of the maximum transfer of proteins and everything baby needs.” The idea is to use the most natural method, but, professionally speaking, any inconvenience that there going to be another method”ended. Instagram account the fitness model shared a last video together with your partner, to celebrate that he was nine months and parturition is near.” Thank you God for the greatest gift of our lives: our son, certainly brings out the best of us. I love my family. “I wouldn’t change for anything right now, or what you live”.

Original source in Spanish


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