translated from Spanish: Father demands changers for babies in public baths

United States.-Since the feminist movement has highlighted the need for baby changers in public bathrooms, no up-to-date tracks that this requirement will soon materialize. The need has now taken a gender dimension and has been claimed by a man, who has become the spokesperson for other men in the United States who also ask exchangers for babies. 

The image of Donte Palmer became viral and thus the debate arose. Using the hashtag #SquatforChange, which means something like “crouch to change”, thousands of people are trying to highlight the problems of the men when they want to change diapers in public bathrooms. It is impossible, because there is no exchanger. 
This scene of Donte was shared in Instagram. In it, you have his son Liam, of a year, on his legs while hold Crouch. In this case it was with family dining restaurant, when it exploded in networks. “This is a serious post. Why no changers in bathrooms of men as if we don’t exist? “, he said.” Palmer’s 31 years, was offended: “we do this very often. See what comfortable is my son”. Their struggle has expanded through Instagram worldwide, and thousands of parents have shared this same situation. In this note: United States changers babies public bath

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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