translated from Spanish: They found genetic factor that increases the risk of erectile dysfunction

a team of scientists from California and other U.S. States have identified a genetic factor that increases the risk of erectile dysfunction, which is the first time it is detected a specific position in the genome that may be linked to the disorder. The discovery, published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is a step forward because so far suspected that genetics was linked to erectile dysfunction in about a third of the cases, but there were identified characteristics of the genome associated with it.

“Scientists concluded that variations in a specific position in the genome, called ‘locus’ genetic, which is located near the SIM1 gene are”significantly associated with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction”, suggests the study.” Identify this ‘locus’ SIM1 as a risk factor for erectile dysfunction is very important, because it provides the long-sought proof that there is a genetic component in the disease”, said the lead author of the study, Eric Jorgenson, of the center of Research of Kaiser Permanente researchers California.Los studied the genome of 36.648 men participating in a study by Kaiser Permanente on ageing and health of adults, and corroborated the results with other 222.358 men that you are part of the genetic Biobank study in the United Kingdom.

“The study determined that variations in the ‘locus’ SIM1 were 26% greater than erectile dysfunction associated with a risk. That risk was independent”other known factors that are related to the disorder, such as neurological, cardiovascular or hormonal, says research. The finding “could help identify other key genetic variants that detonate disease”, as well as motivate “research to better understand the precise mechanisms by which operate” those ties, said the Chief of Urology at the University of Washington Seattle (Northwest USA), Hunter Wessells.ademas Kaiser Permamente Center and the University of Washington, in the study collaborated scientists of the University of California at San Francisco and the University of Utah. EFEUSAEn this note: genetic factors erectile dysfunction

Original source in Spanish


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