translated from Spanish: Macri: “I know that it costs, must be adjusted to make ends meet”

the President Mauricio Macri called today to say “more than things can be free” to then find that “we must raise a tremendous debt”. The President spoke to inaugurate the Moron Metrobus, which starred jointly to the Buenos Aires Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal.
The event participated also the Transport Minister, Guillermo Dietrich, and the Mayor of Moron, Ramiro Tagliaferro.
The work is an exclusive corridor for public transport in the Presidente Perón Avenue. It spans 33 blocks on the avenida Presidente Perón and will benefit 80,000 users who use public transport every day.
“No more lies. No more tell us that things can be free and then find that we need to lift a tremendous debt, years. “We’re doing it with courage, with love, this is our country, here live our children” the Governor Vidal for his part said that currently is are doing a lot of works that many still do not believe and that will have a great impact on the future.
“It is not only do what ours, basics, what no one did in decades but that we are for more, we can more and it is worthwhile to believe”

Original source in Spanish


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