translated from Spanish: Elisa Carrió: “go to AmigaOS me with the President when I remove it to Garavano”

then the latest tensions, President Mauricio Macri and the leader of the Coalition civic-ARI, Elisa Carrió, coincided this morning in the Kirchner Cultural Centre (CCK) durant (e) the Act of launching the federal strategy of exports. The presence of Carrió was no accident there since Lilita toured months ago the interior of the country to pick up the concerns of the PyMEs.Lejos be a reconciliation with winks and hugs, the Chaco insisted with his idea that there can be no impunity for n ADIE and clarified that the fight against corruption includes brothers, cousins, relatives, Presidents or former Presidents. With this Deputy doubled the bet on the impeachment request to the Minister of Justicia Germán Garavano. 
The accusation regarding the attitude of the Government against prosecutions for corruption, not allow the Administration change leaving the tense days Government block inside.
The scene of the image will be the CCK and the framework will give it to the presentation of “Argentina exports”, the federal strategy that aims “each productive sector is protagonist of world trade” in this Act shall be the Chancellor, Jorge Faurie, and the Minister of production and Work, Dante Sica, responsible in giving details about the initiative that seeks to promote the productive sector, in the midst of a deep recession which affected the Argentina.

Original source in Spanish


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