translated from Spanish: It is 20 years old, is disabled and ran out of benefits by the collapse of the Spanish Hospital

Fernán López Abad is a young man of 20 years since their first day of life was affected by the national State, in the literal sense of the phrase. Is that when I was having it, his mother was interned in the Spanish Hospital and since there were no anesthesiologist on duty at the time of the Cesarean, Fernán suffered lack of oxygen and he was born with a neurological damage that causes him severe motor disability. From there he began a long journey that still continues, and whose only goal is that recognition of Hospital malpractice, you can collect the compensation that corresponds and they provide benefits needed to carry out their treatment. 

Fernán López Abad after the collapse of the Spanish Hospital and the subsequent management of the PAMI, let all members of the social work in the street. Among them is Fernan, who currently can not afford treatment of rehabilitation, occupational therapy, Kinesiology, educational psychologist, among other benefits. In dialogue with cutting edge, her mother Paula explained that “from one day to another, we were told that the hospital had broken and cancelling benefits”. More than 10 months of that situation and while they await justice to resolve the situation, told that they must ask borrowed silver or remain owing to the professionals who cater to the young. 

Fernando together Paula, his mother, Paula explained that “the PAMI management and manages hospital, usufructua buildings” and cast many both medical and administrative employees with the aim of ‘ empty it to make a best sale of the holding commercial ‘. What does the Government say? 
Fernan attended in may 2017 to the launch of the National Plan of disability, in charge of Macri and Gabriela Michetti, the Vice President of the nation. From 2014 the PAMI intervened the Hospital but only in December of the previous year stopped paying benefits. In this context the young sent a letter to the Presidency to meet with Macri, but who received was a referral to the national agency of disability. “They called us and told us that they would send a mail. “That never came, the national agency of disability does not exist”, said Paula edge. Justice struggle while Chamber judges had given him reason and ordered that Fernán copper compensation, entry into contest of the hospital prevented compliance with the judgment. The PAMI tries to not affiliate with Fernan and insists that Paula add your child to their own social work, which obtained as part of his work in the Ministry of health, but that as a result of the personal situation that is exposed by the conflict of his son took license.” I have a contract that I don’t know if in December so I will renew. I would have to fight all the benefits and if I stay jobless run out of social work”, said the mother. The routine of Fernan is accompanied 24 hours by an Assistant because of his motor disability and surgery of spine with two bars ranging from the sacrum to the neck. “We have Assistant 24 hours and make a normal life with the limitations of the case or be hospitalized,” said Paula edge. With all these disadvantages, Fernán manages to work and was long time fixing computers and cell phones to people who helped him. According to his mother, the situation which is costing you live plunges it into a depression, as it constantly reminds his disability. 

Original source in Spanish


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