translated from Spanish: Looking to the second round in Brazil, Bolsonaro consolidates a wide difference

after the elections on Sunday, October 7, the candidates for the party Social Liberal (PSL) Jair Bolsonario and Fernando Haddad of the workers party (PT) is dis putaran the Presidency of Brazil in a runoff set for October 28. 46,03% obtained by Bolsonaro versus 29.28% Haddad translates into a nearly 18 million votes. Therefore, in these three weeks remaining to travel it will be key for the PT candidate to achieve “inherit” the votes of those spaces that were left out of the runoff.

By this time met the first poll conducted by Datafolha, principal pollster in the country. The survey was carried out on Wednesday with 3.235 interviews 227 municipalities and account has an error margin of two points. Looking to the second round in the presidential elections in Brazil, Bolsonaro retains a wide lead over Haddad, reaching 58% of the valid votes, while the former Mayor of St. Paul would be 42%.

Depending on the job, the two candidates absorbed evenly the electorate by applicants who were in the race for the Presidency. At the same time, and confirming a trend registered throughout the campaign, Brazil women resist the ultra reactionary candidate. Only 42% of the female vote is inclined to the former military.

Ultimately, stands the Bolsonaro support among evangelicals. The current Deputy reaches 60% of votes in this space, keeping the backrest shown last Sunday.

Original source in Spanish


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