translated from Spanish: Cubillos hopes that the opposition has “real will” to arrange the classroom safe project

13:50 “we all know that” when Congress wants to remove a law promptly, manages, working with enough diligence and that is called we do today to all,”said the Minister of education.

The Minister of education, Marcela Cubillos, expected that the opposition have “real will” to arrange the safe classroom project.lee also: Pinera: “many in Chile have lost respect for police, their parents and teachers, and that we will restore”Lee also: Mayor of Santiago for assault to carabiner in INBA: “as society not podem s tolerate this type of behavior “, then that President Sebastián Piñera announced that they will give greater urgency to the project process in Congress.” We are pleased that this blockade which existed to deal with it is over. What we want to see by the opposition is if there is a real will to arrange the project”, said after meeting with mayors of the Region Metropolitana.La head of the Ministry of education said that” we all know that when Congress wants to remove a law promptly, is the ” fix, works with enough diligence and that is called we do today to all.” Cubillos stressed that “what we want through this Bill, is to go ending the impunity for serious facts and hopefully stop seeing images such as that they have seen these days”.

Original source in Spanish


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