translated from Spanish: Minor enlists the help of his neighbor and this attacks him to death (Video)

United States-police in Michigan has posted a video which shows as a gunman shot dead attacking an African-American child who came to her house for help. According to The Washington Post, the incident occurred in the city of Rochester Hills, then Brennan Walker, aged 14, lost the school bus.

The teenager lost bus and went to ask directions when he received the shot. Photo: Pexels as the child was not sure how to get to the school, Walker decided to call the House of Jeffrey a’n ‘ door to ask for guidance on the path to his destiny. This week, the teenager testified in court that the spouse of the offender opened the door and immediately accused him of trying to enter the House.

Time in which the young man runs off. Photo: Police of Michigan women began to cry and her spouse went running with a gun in his hand, so that the child had to flee from the place. In his testimony, the man said that he accidentally shot after slipping but the video images contradict its version. Here you can see the video: in addition, police investigators have said to be “shocked and offended” with Jeffrey due who initially investigated reports of an attempted robbery, until they saw the video. The man who fired his weapon is charged with assault with intent to kill, and if convicted he could face a life sentence.

In this note: attack attack shot neighbor help us

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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