translated from Spanish: Pope announces new expulsions in the Chilean Church: Francisco José Cox and Marco Antonio orders

09:01 the now e x-sacerdotes (former Archbishop of La Serena and the Bishop emeritus of Iquique, respectively) are the following names are added to the list initiated by Cristián Precht and Fernando Karadima, all in relation to the accusations by sexual abuse and awareness to children.

According to indicated by the average Emol from the Vatican noted during this day that the Pope Francisco finally expelled from the Church to the former Archbishop of La Serena Francisco José Cox and Marco Ant uub orders Fernández, Bishop emeritus of IquiqueLa decision was taken by the Pontiff after further allegations sexual abuse and awareness to children who fall on orders both Cox. In this respect, and through a press release, the Holy See said that “in both cases has been applied article 21 § 2, 2 ° of the motu proprio ‘ Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela’, as a result of overt acts of abuse to children.” The decision by the Pope last Thursday, 11 of October of 2018, does not support resource. The Congregation for the doctrine of the faith has notified already interested parties, through their respective superiors, in their respective residences. Francisco José Cox Huneeus will continue as part of the Institute of the Schoenstatt fathers”.

Original source in Spanish


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